Dr Goddard's Lab

Butter sculpture

Jake the rancher

Does Hannah look taller to you?

Rylie and Zach

What's with that chicken??

Hannah, Zachary, Rylie and Shannon

Petting zoo at the fair
We had a great time at the fair last Friday, despite the rain. We did get a little tired of being cold and wet but still had fun. I still can't believe I'm saying "cold" in Kansas at this time of year. Freaky weather this year!

We learned a lot and ate a lot...when I woke the kids up in the morning to go to the fair, Zach mumbled "Oh yeah, funnel cakes!" That must be all he remembered from last year!
Last year it rained the whole time we were at the fair and I can't believe it did it again this year! Anyway, between the pig races and the 4H building, the sheep and chickens, the llamas and horses, we found plenty to do!
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