One of my school projects was to rearrange the school room to accomadate us better. Of course I probably would never have got around to doing it if it wasn't for my wonderful and amazing husband. Our room may be small but I am so thankful to have a room for our school stuff and I think this arrangement will work much better for us! Thank you Honey!!

We made leaf prints for school with leaves from our front yard. They were supposed to be maple leaves for our Canada study but since we didn't have any, we went with the Oak! We pressed the leaf impressions into clay and then painted the clay and used it to print on paper. It was fun!

Don't ask me why I only have pictures of Jacob doing our projects but I think the others don't stay around long enough for me to take their picture!

We did soap carving and since we didn't have Ivory soap, we used what we had. I sure do improvise a lot and not always with excellent outcomes! The soap was too hard and just crumbled. Oh well, they get the idea I think!
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