Our curriculum suggested we go to the zoo today and work on our map skills there, so we took them up on the offer! Each one took a turn looking at the map and leading us to a different location. We started at the flamingos...
Then we went to see the monkeys....
Then on to the bears....
And to the rainforest. And we still came home and got all our school done for the day! Then we had a great Family Fun Night! We watched "Homeward Bound" (The Incredible Journey) since we are reading that book right now. We will be watching Homeward Bound II on Sunday night. We had homemade french bread pizza for dinner and then ice cream with all the toppings, lemonade and popcorn with our movie since everyone earned all their rewards this week!
We have 4 football games tomorrow, yes count them 4!!! J has 2 and so does Z. We will be at the field from 8:45 to 1:00. Then hubby is taking K out car shopping for a vehicle that guzzles less gas. Then we have a date with friends tomorrow night at 6:30. Full day!
Looks like you've had lots of fun school activities! I like the continent cakes, that's a clever idea!
Your blog is wonderful! Looks like you are having a great time! I am on the MFWyahoo group with you! Thanks for posting your blog!
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