Friday, November 7, 2008

Letter to the president;unedited

This is a letter that 10yo Hannah wrote after the election the other day.

Dear Mr. President,

I am 10 years old. I just wanted to say that me and my family didn't want you in office. But anyway, here's my message-Remember YOU have four YEARS as President, use them wisely. This country is huge and it's up to you to save it-School bond issues are not issues at all-Taxes are in your hands. Don't forget I'll be praying for you! Another thing, Taxes, If you lower them for people under a certain limit of wages, pretty soon they'll be making above that limit of wages, (with raises for better attitudes etc.) Then when taxes are raised for them, it will be harder for them. But the people who own small businesses making more than that already struggle with taxes today. Your plan might even cause them to shut down their business, creating less jobs for people. One more thing, ABORTION. Don't you understand? Didn't your mother care enough to have and take care of you? In Indonisia who got you up at 4:00 am and taught you English? Ask yourself these questions, and hopefully you'll change your mind about abortion.

Think about it and write me back,


Out of the mouths of babes.....!


T said...

WOW-what a letter. I am proud of you Hannah. I love you.

Aubrie said...

Hannah, the president could learn a thing or two from you!!
great job!!